

Oilfield Accidents

Oilfield accidents, to include oilfield fatalities, are on the rise in the past ten years and the numbers generally coincide with the number of employees in the oil field industry. Like construction accidents, oilfield accident litigation is not a body of law but describes litigation arising out of the petroleum industry or out of a job site. Oilfield accidents are another type of workplace injury. Although the number of oilfield accidents are no higher than the number of accidents in many industries, oilfield accidents tend to be more severe than other workplace injuries. This is why a disproportionate amount of oilfield employers are subscribers of qualifying Texas Workers Compensation Insurance that protects them from personal injury lawsuits. An experienced attorney can evaluate your claim arising out of the oilfield and determine whether or how you can succeed in your lawsuit.

Possible Legal Claims
Legal claims for damages (money) for injuries includes past and future medical expenses, past and future lost wages or earning capacity, disfigurement, pain and suffering, emotional distress/mental anguish, and prejudgment and postjudgment interest. Other injuries include damages for the pain caused for losing a loved one, the loss of consortium or relationship that may come when a loved one is severely impaired, and in some instances punitive damages.